Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Week 7 Assignment 1

Week 7
Assignment 1

Having the position of an online learner and potential online instructor, I have a responsibility to be informed about knowledge surrounding digital citizenship, ethics, and netiquette.

Investigation produced two technologies/articles that provide vital information regarding ethics in digital information technology. The first, URL: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/526401/.  Laws and ethics can’t keep pace with technology. This article by Vivek Wadhwa states there are regulatory gaps exist because laws have not kept up with advances in technology. The article states that there is confusion with “what is ethical, let alone what the laws should be, in relation to technologies such as social media. I selected this article for the vital information regarding the history of laws and ethical practices. A point of interest regarding how medical sensors are connected to smart phones, information about our physiology and health is transferred to the public domain. The question arises where is the line drawn on what is legal – and ethical? As an online instructor, I would assign online learners this article to read. Additionally, I would share this article with colleagues to enhance their knowledge.

The second URL: http://cyberbullying.org/advice-for-adult-victims-of-cyberbullying. Within an online classroom, one would assume online learners would be immune from cyberbullying. Perhaps not. This article provides information that cyberbullying is not just an adolescent problem. I selected this article to enlighten my knowledge of adult cyberbullying. Within my online class, if cyberbullying occurs, I have legal and moral responsibilities to protect my online student. At the beginning of my online class, online learners will read about Netiquette using Ribble, M. (n.d.) Nine element: Nine themes of digital citizenship and articles about cyberbullying. I will provide an anti-cyberbullying contract for online learners to sign. I will have discussed this plan with administrators and colleagues.

Within the online learning community, ethics, laws, and cyberbullying cannot be ignored. Online instructors have a responsibility to provide their online learners an abundance of information.



  1. I am interested in the technology related to cyberbullying among adults. It brings awareness and attention to this issue which is important in my professional practice. It is critical that adult learners understand and recognize cyberbullying. This awareness should lead to avoidance of the less desirable behavior. I really like the practice of learners pledging not to exhibit the negative behavior.

  2. Hi Gloria,

    To take advantage of the learning community (online), educators should incorporate many cooperative learning and discussion opportunities, while, “providing time for reflection,” (Barkley, 2010). During lectures, (could be part of a brief written online lecture of recorded) the students should take notes then the educator provides a break in the lecture, in which the learners have an opportunity to compare notes based on the article and your lecture. As well, lectures should be supplemented with activities, such as the article. In this way, the characteristics of lectures are “as helpful, enlivening, and critically stimulating,” (Brookfield, 2015, p. 70). Thus, a problem-solving activity in which the notes will provide information necessary to solve the problem amongst the cooperative learning group is conducive to critical thinking. Followed-up by a questioning session where students explain their ideas openly (so that the rest of the class can hear or read) to assess if all the learners comprehend the concepts is important and helps the rest of the learners.


    Barkley, E. F. (2010). Student engagement techniques: A handbook for college faculty. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

    Brookfield, S. D. (2015). The skillful teacher: On technique, trust, and responsiveness in the classroom (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

    Thank you,


  3. Hi Gloria,

    I agree with Nicole that the article you have shared on cyber bullying is a very interesting and informative piece of writing. I must confess that prior to reading this article, I truly thought of cyber-bullying as more of a youth/adolescent (maybe even young adult) problem. I think that an anti cyber-bullying contract is a great idea for any online course or course that has online components. I also think that this is a big issue that is really hard to deal with and unfortunately has no easy answer. The article sums this problem up well by saying "in a country such as ours that values free speech so highly, many people genuinely believe they can say whatever they want, to whomever they want. We know that is not true, but it isn’t clear where exactly the line is" - a really interesting read - great find!!

    Kind Regards,


  4. Hi Gloria,
    Great post. I agree cyberbullying is something that should be addressed in education and in life. I have seen to many kids killing themselves because of cyberbullying. If we educate the kids at a young age, maybe they will not participate in cyberbullying when they are older. People who participate in cyberbullying should have some type of punishment that matches their offense, don't you agree?
